At 23 years old, Brazilian model warns about the dangers of image disorders on social media

Camila Luz. Photo: Instagram reproduction
At 23 years old, Brazilian model warns about the dangers of image disorders on social media. Photo: Instagram reproduction

Brazilian model, Camila Luz, who has appeared on the covers of magazines such as Glamour and Marie Claire, talks about how comparisons on social media can be harmful to mental health

Recently, actress Megan Fox stated in an interview that she does not consider herself beautiful and added that she has never loved her body.

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This caught the public’s attention, as she was once considered the sexiest woman in the world. The Hollywood star suffers from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), a condition that affects one’s perception of their physical appearance. That is, the person feels bad when looking in the mirror and carefully observes imperfections in their body. It’s worth remembering that this disorder affects about 2% of the world’s population and is more common than expected.

The Brazilian model, Camila Luz, 23, says she has not had self-esteem or image disorders, as occurs with her colleagues.

However, she warns about the dangers that involve the much-discussed “dictatorship of thinness”. “I never compared myself to other girls and I don’t notice my body changing in photos. I take my work professionally, I am mature and I don’t let emotions get the better of me,” she says. However, she has noticed other models doing crazy things to keep their bodies thin.

“I have seen many girls on crazy diets, taking diuretics and weight loss drugs. There was a time when I drew attention to one of them and told her she was going crazy because I didn’t see her eat anything and when she did eat, it was papaya with oats or something similar. This does not sustain a body and many girls kill themselves to keep a thin body, but even dieting some cannot lose weight,” Luz explains.

Camila also talks about the dangers of comparison, especially on social media. She warns that photos can also look better because the angle is captured in the best way.

After all, people should not guide themselves by what they see, as the risk of developing an image disorder is high in those who put their body first in life.

“People cannot compare themselves to photos, my own body, depending on how the photograph is taken, can appear with curves and in another photo I appear very thin. It varies a lot,” she says.

Born in Goiânia, Goiás, she began modeling at the age of 15 and has always been inspired by fashion magazines that she read as a child.

With her growth in the profession, Camila experienced great moments working with brands such as Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika, and others. According to her, one of her highlights was gracing the cover of the main women’s magazines, Glamour and Marie Claire.

“All these jobs are special to me, I like being in the studio, wearing clothes that are inspirations from major brands. It’s a childhood dream coming true,” she states.

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